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If your green building design or policy does not address embodied carbon, you are missing half of the equation

As leading experts in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for buildings, we enable design teams, building owners, and policymakers to radically reduce embodied carbon at the project, portfolio & policy level

Our Services

Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment 

We provide WBLCA consulting services for new construction projects. Our analysis empowers design teams to make informed design decisions to reduce embodied carbon and comply with requirements from various policies and standards.

Life Cycle Assessment Results in Sankey Diagram

Policy, Strategy & Research Consulting

We offer customized consulting services to support clients in developing effective policies and strategies to reduce embodied carbon, as well as conducting cutting-edge LCA research to address critical knowledge gaps.

Images of different construction materials

Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA)

We specialize in embodied carbon and WBLCA modelling.

Our focus is on providing accurate analysis and useful guidance to design teams, empowering them with the data and knowledge they need to reduce embodied carbon.


We can support your project in meeting a wide range of North American embodied carbon requirements including:

  • City of Vancouver Rezoning & VBBL

  • Toronto Green Standard v4

  • LEED v4.1 MRc1

  • CaGBC Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) v3

  • IFLI Zero Carbon Certification

  • IFLI LBC/Energy Petal

Multiple Buildings

WBLCA Projects

We have conducted LCA studies for over 70 buildings across Canada and the United States, including residential, commercial, institutional, healthcare, and industrial buildings. Here are some of our projects:

Coal Harbour – Vancouver, BC (11 Storey, 120,000 SF, School, Child Care, Social Housing)

Inglewood Campus of Care – West Vancouver, BC (4 Buildings, 10 Storey, 900,000 SF, Care Facility)

Bakers Place – Madison, WI (14 Storey, 240,000 SF, Mass Timber Residential)

City Center 3 – Surrey, BC (10 Storey, 150,000 SF, Office)

Simpcw Community Centre – Barrière, BC (2 Storey, 40,000 SF, First Nation Community Center)

516 W Pender St – Vancouver, BC (31 Storey, 450,000 SF, Residential)

456 Prior St – Vancouver, BC (19 Storey, 500,000 SF, Residential)

18899 24th Ave – Surrey, BC (350,000 SF, Warehouse)

19655 Seton Way – Calgary, AB (30,000 SF, Retail)

Alexan Alderwood – Seattle, WA (4 Buildings, 6 Storey, 400,000 SF, Residential)

Port Stanley Fire Station – St. Thomas, ON (16,000 SF, Mass Timber Fire Station)

400 Kirkwood St – Ottawa, ON (6 Storey, 200,000 SF, Residential)

Reframed Initiative – Various Locations Across BC (6 Retrofits of Low-Rise MURBs)

Policy, Strategy, Research

Policy, Strategy & Research Consulting

We undertake a diverse portfolio of customized consulting projects to meet the unique needs of our clients.


Our work supports leading jurisdictions including the City of Vancouver, Province of BC, and the Canadian Federal Government in developing effective policies to reduce embodied carbon.


We also support forward-thinking organizations in creating a comprehensive internal strategy and roadmap to meet embodied carbon targets throughout their portfolio.


Additionally, we conduct cutting-edge LCA research to address critical knowledge gaps in this rapidly evolving field.

If your project involves embodied carbon policy, strategy, or research, and you believe our expert support can make a difference, let's talk!

  • CoV Embodied Carbon Policy and Guidelines (City of Vancouver)
    Provided expert advice to the City of Vancouver (CoV) in developing the first regulation in North America to address whole-building embodied carbon emissions in the building code (Vancouver Building By-Law). This policy requires all Part 3 buildings to disclose project-level embodied carbon emissions during building permit submission starting in October 2023 and to achieve at least 10% - 20% reduction depending on building type starting in January 2025. We worked closely with CoV staff to develop the Embodied Carbon Guidelines, which provide practical guidance for LCA practitioners on how to measure reductions in embodied carbon at the building level and demonstrate compliance for CoV’s requirements. The guidelines also provide much needed detailed guidance around baseline definition in WBLCA. We reviewed multiple rounds of industry feedback comments and provided recommendations to improve the Embodied Carbon Guidelines and Embodied Carbon Design Report (spreadsheet submission template). The version 1.0 of the guidelines and design report are now published on the CoV website under the "Embodied Carbon in Vancouver Building By-Law" section.
  • BC Embodied Carbon Modelling Study (Province of BC)
    We developed the "BC Embodied Carbon Modelling Study" for the BC Provincial Government, which resulted in a 2 hour presentation with 200 slides that covered a wide range of important topics relevant to the future of embodied carbon policy and action in BC, including: Why BC needs to develop bold Provincial embodied carbon policy Projected total embodied carbon associated with new construction in BC (2020-2050), based on our modelling utilizing best available embodied carbon benchmark data How BC’s total annual embodied carbon compares with various relevant sectors reported in BC’s Provincial GHG Inventory, including operational carbon Multiple Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) Case Studies of detailed buildings representing various building archetypes, exploring strategies to reduce embodied carbon to various % reduction thresholds Cost impact of reducing embodied carbon, based on relevant published information. Proposed % reduction embodied carbon thresholds that could potentially be integrated into a provincial policy framework Consumption-Based Emissions vs Production-Based Emissions, Carbon Border Adjustments, and proposed methodology for using trade data to support such policies Forestry and Biogenic Carbon Accounting - Exploring the latest developments in biogenic carbon accounting methods such as GWPbio (stand-level) and A0 (landscape level), and how such assumptions could impact our LCA calculations You can find the presentation and download the comprehensive 200-slide presentation here.
  • WBLCA Framework for Federal Procurement (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
    We provided expert advice and recommendations to the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) on their initial framework and roadmap for conducting Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments of major federal government construction projects. This framework will support the Greening Government Strategy's requirement for major federal construction projects to reduce the embodied carbon of structural materials by 30% and to disclose WBLCA results starting in 2025.
  • UBC Embodied Carbon Policy & Guidelines (University of British Columbia)
    We provided expert advice on the development of UBC's embodied carbon policy. Our recommendations on the roadmap to achieve UBC's Climate Action Plan target of a 50% reduction in embodied carbon by 2030 were included. We also provided feedback to help improve UBC's Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) Guidelines. Multiple workshops were delivered to all relevant UBC stakeholders to bring everyone up to speed on embodied carbon, align on UBC's targets, and facilitate conversations on how to achieve these targets.
  • Comparing & Enhancing Building LCA Software Tools (National Research Council)
    We authored the “Comparing and Enhancing Building LCA Tools” report in 2019 for the National Research Council's LCA^2 Initiative. This report offered a comparative analysis and enhancement recommendations for three leading Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools used in North America: Athena Impact Estimator for Buildings (IE4B), Tally, and One Click LCA. In the first section, the tools were evaluated based on features and user experiences, considering the perspectives of architects, structural engineers, or LEED/LCA consultants. The second section offered improvement suggestions for each of the tools, as well as general recommendations, informed by industry user interviews and our perspective. Note that since 2019, the WBLCA software tool landscape has evolved, so some of the points made in this report may not be as relevant today. Download report here.
  • Biogenic Carbon Accounting of Wood Products in WBLCA (City of Vancouver)
    We developed a comprehensive presentation for the City of Vancouver, where we summarized the current state of the art around biogenic carbon accounting of wood products in WBLCAs. This is one of our most widely watched presentations with 1500+ views, which covered: What is biogenic carbon, and why is it important? Overview of how biogenic carbon is addressed in common LCA standards and the latest industry average EPDs for wood products. How do different WB-LCA software tools (i.e. Athena IE4B, Tally, and One Click LCA) address biogenic carbon? What are the underlying assumptions, and how do they impact WB-LCA case study results? Introduction to GWPbio, a dynamic approach to modelling biogenic carbon that accounts for factors such as forest rotation period and product carbon storage period. Presentation of preliminary calculations using the newly released Biogenic Carbon Footprints Calculator for Harvested Wood Products by WWF and Quantis, which builds on the latest research on GWPbio. Watch the presentation and download slides here.
  • Embodied Carbon of Construction Waste (Vancouver Coastal Health)
    We analyzed the embodied carbon of construction waste from Vancouver General Hospital's Operating Room Renewal project. For each key waste material category (i.e. steel, aluminum, concrete, wood, glass, brick, and asphalt), we modeled various end-of-life scenarios (e.g. landfill, incineration, recycling, reuse) and quantified their resulting impact on Modules C and D emissions. We summarized key insights from this analysis to inform end-of-life pathways for each of the key construction materials.
  • Reframed Initiative - LCA Modelling of Six Retrofits (Pembina Institute & PICS)
    The Reframed Initiative aims to transform how we retrofit multi-unit residential buildings, exploring optimal solutions that address a range of considerations including operational carbon, embodied carbon, seismic safety, climate resilience, cost. In our role as the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) consultants, Priopta kicked off this endeavour with an embodied carbon workshop, educating all participating design team members about the role and impact of embodied carbon in their proposed solutions. Following this, we engaged with each of the six interdisciplinary teams through the early design process, offering LCA modelling expertise to evaluate and optimize the embodied carbon in the multiple retrofit bundles they developed. Download Report for Reframed Initiative:

Policy, Strategy & Research Projects


Embodied Carbon Presentations

At Priopta, we make it a priority to stay updated with the fast-paced changes in the field of embodied carbon. We constantly absorb new reports, research, tool updates, and data as they become available. Then, we convert this critical information into practical guidance that we share in our educational efforts and presentations. This approach helps us to lead the industry in understanding and dealing with embodied carbon.


Since 2018, we've been committed to educating key industry stakeholders about the importance of embodied carbon. To do this, we have given over 100 presentations to leading design firms and at industry conferences/events, some of which are listed below. We also published two widely read articles in Canadian Architect magazine on why we urgently need to address embodied carbon, as well as how we can reduce embodied carbon across key materials. Our efforts have helped raise awareness and educate thousands of people within the building industry across Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, India, and Latin America.


We are dedicated to keeping our industry up to speed with the latest embodied carbon research, and we frequently update our presentations to include new insights. Check out some of our past recorded presentations below.

Pasts Presentations
The City of Vancouver’s Embodied Carbon Guidelines
CLF British Columbia

The City of Vancouver’s Embodied Carbon Guidelines

0:00:00 - CLF BC Intro (Roberto) 0:08:33 - Context (Zahra) 0:15:59 - Embodied Carbon Guidelines Overview (Zahra) 0:31:50 - Q&A Part 1 0:37:52 - Baseline Definition, Modelling Assumptions, Data Collection (Anthony) 1:05:48 - Next Steps (Zahra) 1:11:15 - Key Developments Beyond the City of Vancouver (Anthony) 1:14:23 - Q&A Part 2 Slide Resources: As of Oct 1, 2023, the City of Vancouver’s Building Bylaws include an embodied carbon requirement for large (Part 3) buildings. To comply with the requirement, two pathways are possible: the absolute and baseline paths. If choosing the absolute path, the project cannot exceed 800 kg CO2e/m2 (double the benchmark intensity of 400 kgCO2e/m2). If pursuing a baseline path, projects can define a project-specific, functionally equivalent baseline to measure against, and cannot be more than double the baseline. In this webinar, the City of Vancouver and Priopta will present the new VBBL requirement, as well as the guidance provided in the new Vancouver Embodied Carbon Guidelines. The Guidelines cover compliance paths, mandatory and optional element scopes, quantifying embodied carbon, creating a baseline and documentation and reporting requirements. Speakers: Anthony Pak, Principal at Priopta and CLF Global Hub Director Anthony is the Principal at Priopta, a firm with deep expertise in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for buildings. Priopta supports design teams in reducing embodied carbon on construction projects and works with leading organizations and jurisdictions to develop effective embodied carbon policies. Anthony is also the founder of CLF Vancouver—the first local hub of the Carbon Leadership Forum—which organizes local events that empower industry professionals to radically reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure. Since 2019, CLF Vancouver has inspired over 30 other cities to start CLF local hubs. He now also serves as the CLF Global Hub Director, working to support the growth and impact of CLF hubs around the world. Zahra Teshnizi, Senior Embodied Carbon Planner Zahra is a Senior Green Building Planner at the City of Vancouver, where she leads the development and implementation of the City's embodied carbon policies and initiatives. With over a decade of experience in sustainable and zero-carbon development, Zahra is highly knowledgeable in embodied carbon design, policy, and life cycle assessment (LCA). In 2017, Zahra led the creation of Vancouver's embodied carbon requirements under the Green Building Policy for Rezoning, which was the first of its kind in North America. Additionally, she developed a conceptual roadmap for future steps based on the early submissions' analysis. Prior to rejoining the City of Vancouver in 2023, Zahra worked as a Senior Advisor at Mantle Developments. During this time, she collaborated with various stakeholders, including developers, governments, and financial institutions, to assess, disclose, and reduce carbon emissions at the building scale. She also played a key role in developing zero-carbon strategies and plans at a portfolio scale.
BC Embodied Carbon Modelling Study | Anthony Pak (Priopta)
CLF British Columbia

BC Embodied Carbon Modelling Study | Anthony Pak (Priopta)

Download Slides: 00:00:00 - Overview of Study 00:04:31 - Why BC Needs Embodied Carbon Policy 00:16:26 - Embodied Carbon Benchmarks & Assumptions for BC Projections 00:33:01 - Projected Total Embodied Carbon in BC (2020-2050) 00:38:34 - Total Embodied Carbon vs BC Provincial GHG Inventory 00:44:29 - Whole Building LCA Case Studies with Reduction Scenarios 01:08:49 - Cost Impact of Reducing Embodied Carbon 01:14:49 - Proposed Reduction Thresholds for Potential Provincial Policy Framework 01:25:01 - Consumption Based Emissions and Trade 01:33:40 - Forestry and Biogenic Carbon Accounting 01:45:23 - Summary Anthony Pak, Principal at Priopta and CLF Global Hub Director Anthony is the Principal at Priopta, a firm with deep expertise in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for buildings. Priopta supports design teams in reducing embodied carbon on construction projects and works with leading organizations and jurisdictions to develop effective embodied carbon policies. Anthony is also the founder of CLF Vancouver—the first local hub of the Carbon Leadership Forum—which organizes local events that empower industry professionals to radically reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure. Since 2019, CLF Vancouver has inspired over 30 other cities to start CLF local hubs. He now also serves as the CLF Global Hub Director, working to support the growth and impact of CLF hubs around the world.
Biogenic Carbon Accounting of Wood Products in Whole Building LCA | Anthony Pak (Priopta)
CLF British Columbia

Biogenic Carbon Accounting of Wood Products in Whole Building LCA | Anthony Pak (Priopta)

Download Slides: 0:00 Intro 1:15 Outline for talk 3:10 Importance of Biogenic Carbon 9:39 Biogenic Carbon Accounting Intro 19:28 Biogenic Carbon Accounting in WBLCA Tools (Athena, Tally, One Click LCA) 29:53 Biogenic Carbon Accounting in EPDs 35:14 GWPbio Methodology 39:37 GWPbio Calculator by WWF and Quantis 46:31 GWPbio Scenario Results Using Calculator 55:19 Importance of Forests - BC Old Growth 1:01:19 BC Forest-Related GHG Emissions 1:04:27 Summary of Key Points 1:11:24 Q&A Anthony Pak (Principal at Priopta and Founder of CLF Vancouver) gives an overview of a complex and important topic—how biogenic carbon of wood products are accounted for in Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments (WB-LCA). He presents his summary of the latest research and information on this topic, which is for a study commissioned by the City of Vancouver. This presentation covers: - What is biogenic carbon, and why is it important? - Overview of how biogenic carbon is addressed in common LCA standards and the latest industry average EPDs for wood products. - How do different WB-LCA software tools (i.e. Athena IE4B, Tally, and One Click LCA) address biogenic carbon? What are the underlying assumptions, and how do they impact WB-LCA case study results? - Introduction to GWPbio, a dynamic approach to modelling biogenic carbon that accounts for factors such as forest rotation period and product carbon storage period. - Presentation of preliminary calculations using the newly released Biogenic Carbon Footprints Calculator for Harvested Wood Products by WWF and Quantis, which builds on the latest research on GWPbio.
Dave Cooper LIVE


We are L I V E with Anthony Pak on How to offset a CLIMATE DISASTER on Dave Cooper LIVE #BSFriday with Mark Wille…. Featuring special guest Anthony Pak, Principal at Priopta / CLF Global Hub Director / CLF Vancouver Founder / Embodied Carbon & LCA Expert / P. Eng, MSc. As building designers, we have already put significant efforts into reducing the environmental footprint of buildings. We have improved operational energy efficiencies and made progress towards the widespread electrification of buildings. AND we can do even more to offset embodied carbon, which encompasses the greenhouse gas emissions associated with materials over the full life cycle of buildings. WHAT IS EMBODIED CARBON, YOU ASK? Embodied carbon emissions are generated by the manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance and disposal of construction materials used in buildings, roads and other infrastructure. The good news is that we already have strategies that can make a difference, and ARCHITECTS and designers can lead the way. BUILDERS can #BuildItBetter. Together, we bring the change makers and the home builders together with their shared passion for #BuildingScience…. JOIN US as we drive the conversation on #AdvancingConstruction today on #DaveCooperLIVE! 🚩🚩To join click the link below👇 at the time of the event: 💥OR log in at the time of the event: go to my profile page Dave Cooper 🎥, scroll down to the Activities link, then click on the live feed. 🚨 👉 subscribe to & have access to all video presentations past and future: #ClimateChange #EmbodiedCarbon #CarbonFootprint #EnergyEfficiency

Download Presentation Slides

Download our presentation slides, which give a good overview on embodied carbon and touches on the following topics:


  • What Is Embodied Carbon and Why It Matters

  • Embodied Carbon vs Operational Carbon

  • Embodied Carbon Policies and Standards

  • Comparing LCA Software Tools

  • Comparing Structural Systems (Concrete, Steel, Wood)

  • Reducing Embodied Carbon of Key Materials (Concrete, Steel, Wood, Insulation, MEP & Interiors)

Click here to download


Our Mission:

 Drive Radical Reductions in   Embodied Carbon Globally 

About Us

At Priopta, our work revolves around a singular, ambitious mission: to drive radical reductions in embodied carbon globally. We bring our mission to life through five key areas:

  • Develop Expertise: By not only staying updated with the latest developments but also developing our own internal research and tools, we deepen our understanding of embodied carbon. This proactive exploration of knowledge has also allowed us to uncover critical industry blindspots.

  • Educate Industry: Our educational efforts have reached thousands across the building industry. We've delivered 100+ presentations, distilling complex embodied carbon information into practical, actionable insights.

  • Drive Policy: We advise leading jurisdictions such as the City of Vancouver, the Province of BC, and the Canadian Federal Government in developing robust and effective policies that can drive significant embodied carbon reductions at scale.

  • Inform Design: Each project serves as a platform to educate stakeholders about embodied carbon. We leverage our deep expertise in WBLCA modeling and internal data visualization tools to inform key design decisions, and effectively reduce embodied carbon on each project.

  • Build Networks: Our Principal, Anthony, founded CLF British Columbia (formerly CLF Vancouver)—the first local hub of the Carbon Leadership Forum—which organizes local events that empower industry professionals to radically reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure. Since 2019, CLF British Columbia has inspired over 30 other cities to start CLF local hubs. And now, Anthony serves as the CLF Global Hub Director, working to support the growth and impact of CLF hubs around the world.


Together, we can transform the building industry by putting embodied carbon reduction at its core. Join us in this crucial endeavor towards a more sustainable future.

About Us

Our Team

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Anthony Pak

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Ara Beittoei
LCA Consultant

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Elisha La

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